August and September 2004.
© Text and photo: Anci Niklasson, Scuba´s kennel.
As usual, before we go hunting in the north, we put some pheasants in our own grounds.

Headstudy of "Nordic" pointing at pheasant.
Some huntingdays are gold worth! Some days it´s like popcorn in the woods: capercallie, blackgrouse, hazelhen and grouse.
So many birds you want! All the time! There´s no time to "relax" in between birdsituations before it´s time for the next one.
Lovely! And some days are more "normal"...

Old and new friends, swedish and english, came to see us up in Jörn. This day we went in the woods hunting in Grämersträsk.

Carmas blackgrouse.

Disa pointing at hazelhens.

Nicke and Carma.

Carma with one of her grouses.

T v: Asti, full speed ahead in the woods. T h: Disa pointing at grouses.

Asti and Disa takes a necessary pause.

Tindra and her master Niklas.

Milla and her two capercalliecocks.

Left: Lillseleforsen, between Malå and Storuman in Lappland. Right: View over Grönfjäll.
