September 2003.
© Photo: Anci och Nicke Niklasson, Scuba´s kennel.
As earlier years, we have vacation in september. We pack our car full of dogs, clothes, guns
and ammo and go up north to our house in Jörn. We go hunting and Nicke works as hunting-guide
to swedish and foreign hunter. Good friends are allways welcome to stay and we go for a tour:

Left: Annika with Mina and Rekyl. Right: Björn.

Left: Nicke. Right: Disa.

Left: Carma is very helpful when her master draws the birds.
There´s allways time for a small trip to Adolfström, up to the mountains. While Nicke was
guiding hunters, we took a boat across the lake and went hunting below the mountain Tjäksa.

Left: Mina and Missil playing. Right: Gunnar and Marie.

Don´t think there are better coffee in the world than the coffee you make at the mountain...

Missil, Disa, Asti, Mina, Rekyl.

Planning the route with the pilote before taking off.
