Woodland- and highlandhunting autumn 2002.
© Text and photo: Anci och Nicke Niklasson, Scuba´s kennel.

This picture is taken in December 2001.It´s NewYears
Eve and it was -39 Celciusdegrees cold!
Last year we bought ourselves a house. Far away, 1300 kilometres from home. That´s far... If
we should drive that far from here southwards, we would end up in Amsterdam. Well, a house up in
the north is fine, especially if you have really good friends there and good huntinggrounds in
the surroundings. Good hunting is capercaillie, woodgrouse, grouse and elk. And, Nicke works
as a guide for foreign hunters in both highlands and in the woods, so a decent housing inbetween
his tours makes things a lot easier. Our own house where all our dogs are allowed to sleep in
their own bed, good friends can visit us; there are plenty of room!

Our four girls are taking a nap...
This autumn the trip up was for six weeks, these weeks were filled with hunting, we renovated
the house and lots of good friends stayed with us.

Some pictures from Vildmarkscampen, Svansele, not far from Jörn.

Asti and Molly with grouses.
The gentlemen on the picture are Nicke and Leif.

Still going strong... Asti is still a very good hunter in woods and fields.

Marianne and Ida (left) and Nicke and Linus (right) takes a badly needed break in the woods.

Linus points at a capercaillie.

Left: Babben on point. Unfortunately I didn´t dare to go closer with the camera, the birds are
very nervous when the leaves have begun to fall.
Well, time to go to huntingtest in the highlands, Arjeplogsfjällen. We went to Adolfström, "where the road
ends". Incredibly beautiful little village! They have lots of things there: a little store,
cottage village, helicopter... and lots of grouse! Not to forget, one of the inhabitants, the
nine-year-old reindeer Wilma.

The family: Linus, Carma and

A picture of the sisters Carma and Mina in full action in the woods, finishes the autumn up in
the north.