Winter 2003.
© Text and photo: Anci and Nicke Niklasson, Scuba´s kennel.
Most of the pictures are taken on our own huntingground at Lopperstad, Öland.

Disa, January 2003.

Disa, on point at partridges.

Babben has also found some partridges.

Carma and Disa on point at some rabbits in the bushes.

Babben has found a pheasant.

Ooops! Off it goes!

In January we shot Carmas first pheasant. She was nine months old then.
On early stage, she has shown us her talents as a good hunter: good point, respecting the
game. Now, that everything was PERFECT, we decided to shoot a bird to her.
Well, her search on the field is really good too!

Skåne Feb/01/2003. Trials to FCI Europecup 2003.
FCI Europacup is about to take place in the northern parts of Italy 29th of March.
Four dogs are in the team, plus one reserve.
Sten Rönnerling and Rikard Persson are the teamleaders.
Babben was one of the three representative dogs chosen from our club to be part of the
trials to the swedish team, two were attended. There were a total of approx fifteen dogs,
most of them were GWPs. The dogs had to search the field for ten minutes. It was very cold,
about fifteen degrees, hard wind, plenty of hare and roedeer. Unfortunately, not much birds,
only one of the dogs had some partridges.
Babben did a so-so job, she wasn´t the best, but not the worst. She didn´t get selected. The
words that reminds me about this weekend was from a GWP-person who said: "I´ll never
ever say that a weimaraner isn´t a good fielddog..."

Disa pointing at pheasants in the bushes. Lopperstad Feb/15/2003.

Asti and Disa. Lopperstad Feb/16/2003.
Sisters stick together through thick and thin!
On the picture to the right they are pointing together. Later, in the flush, it turned out to
be four partridges.

Carma, full speed ahead... Lopperstad Feb/16/2003.