About us:
We were both brought up with dogs at home since we were kids. Dogs are a kind of life-style and a way to live... Nicke grew up on a big farm on Gotland, where there were many dogs from different breeds: bloodhound, great danes, collie and schillerstövare. Nicke´s father was a keen hunter. Later years, also there were several chesapeake bay retrievers on the farm.
![]() ![]() ![]() When Anci was 13 years old, a dog was brought into her family; a bloodhound named Robber a k a ”POPPE”. This dog recieved at his first show CAC and went BOS, and the interest going to shows was huge. POPPE lived a long and happy life in the parents home and was a devoted friend all times.
![]() In 1986 Anci and Nicke met, and the very same day they moved together, also their first dog came along. It was an american cocker-bitch, Early Pearl Tavina. Very soon, she got company from two other cockers: Southforts X-Tra-X-Tra ”SIMSON” and Southforts Donald Duck ”GIZZEN”. These dogs were used as retrivers on duckhunts and the travels to shows were many.
![]() In 1988 the first litter was born. From this litter we kept a lovely black and tan-male; LP Scuba´s After Dive, ”DIVEN”. He competed successfully in obedience and also was the main reason why Anci became a SBK-instructor.
![]() ![]() The search for a bigger hunting-dog began, as both wanted a more allround dog. It took us some years until we finally found what we were looking for - WEIMARANER! This lovely breed has been in our home since 1993 and is about to stay. Once you have learned to know this lovely breed, the weimaraner, it isn´t hard to find out why we are so deeply devoted to it! Our first weimaraner, LPI SECH SEJCH DKCH INTCH Disodil´s Metall Jacket ”ASTI”, was number one in many ways and also became our foundation bitch. She was our first showchampion and the first ever in Sweden to have the title FT/Hunting-champion! She have several successful children and grand-children. Also, we kept one bitch from the first litter of ASTI: SECH SEJCH Scuba´s Barfüssige Barbara, ”BABBEN”. Just earlier, weimaraner number two came to our home, a half-sister to ASTI, SECH Disodil´s Dis O Dimma ”DISA”.
![]() Our first weimaranerlitter was born in 1996. Scuba´s knls is today the "oldest" active kennel in Sweden. We do not breed many litters, one per year or so. To us quantity means nothing - only quality counts! Our breeding is numerously small, based on our bitches and sires with documented huntingabilities (as well as excellent hunters). Today we have four weimaraners at home, bitches in three generations. The oldest being twelve years old and her grand-daughter, soon one year old. Our dogs are good hunters and lovely members of the family. All our dogs live indoors; they sleep in our beds... We often go to fieldtrials/huntingtests and shows, we train/compete in sleddog-racing, obedience and bloodtracking. From our weimaraners at home (throughout the years a total of 8), we have together produced 4 fieldtrialchampions, 6 showchampions and 2 bloodtrackingchampions. We occasionally also train dogs belonging to other people, helping them out with trials as well. Our puppybuyers and friends allways gets help when needed, and sometimes we are instructors for other huntingclubs. Our breeding has been awarded with several high awards and trophies. Among them all, in 2009 we were awarded having the finest prizes of them all - the Swedish KennelClub Breederprize. We ow a big thankyou to all our puppy-buyers who all have contributed to that! We have been, and still are, very active in breedclubs and local clubs. Nicke was qualified as a fieldtrial/huntingtest-judge in 2001 and Anci became exteriour-judge (weimaraner) in 2007. Every year, we have puppy-reunions with our puppies and grown-ups, we go hunting, practise huntingtraining, sometimes with huntingtests. All our puppy-buyers and friends know that they all have a standing invitation to come hunting or training with us. And they all know that they allways can contact us; we´re here for them! So, you´re welcome to look around at our homepage, read some more about us and our dogs! Anci & Nicke Niklasson, Scuba´s kennel |
Nicke with our three dualchampions - three generations.
SWeiK Breeder-prize in bronze, silver, gold and gold higher value SWeiK Progeny-prize in 3x bronze, 2x silver and 2x gold SWeiK Breederprize "Allround-breeder" 2004, 2006 and 2009 We are members of: |
![]() Huntingtestleader SVK Huntingtestleader SWeiK Being educated as mentaltestleader SWeiK/SKF/SVK President of election committee SWeiK -2004 Fieldtrial-/Huntingtestjudge Vice president of Specialklubb för Kontinentala Fågelhundar 2005-06 President of Specialklubb för Kontinentala Fågelhundar since 2007 As judge |
![]() Ringstaffsecretary SKK Competitionsecretary SBK Huntingtestleader SWeiK SBK Instructor Examined mentalknowledge step 1 SBK SKK breederconsultantcours step 1 and 2 Boardmember of ÖBHK for ten years as secretary, vice president and president Secretary of SWeiK 1994-2000 Webmaster of SWeiK 1998-2007 President of SWeiK 2001 Member of the breedingcommittee of SWeiK 1998-2009 Kennelconsultantcours SKK 2000 Vice president of SWeiK 2002-05 Vice president of Specialklubb för Kontinentala Fågelhundar 2002-04 Member of the breedingcommittee of SKF 2007-2011 Webmaster of SKF 2008-2011 Boardmember of SMÖKK (our local kennelclub) 2011- Showjudge weimaraners, brittanys, german shorthaired pointer, german wirehair pointer, kleiner münsterländer, pointer, english setter. As judge |